The newsletter

I write a regular newsletter about my adventures navigating issues of equality, equity, social justice, and diversity: the work I’m doing, the campaigns I’m involved in, people I’ve met, what I’m listening to and the books I’m reading. Even the music I’m listening to. I want to share what I’m learning in case it's useful to other people.

I also share things that give me joy each week. We all need a regular dose of joy.

I have a lot of fun writing these each week and I think you’ll enjoy reading it. Join the growing ChangeOut community by subscribing.

What subscribers are saying:

“Just wanted to drop a line to say that I love your enews. At the moment they feel like a very well informed warm hug!”

“Can’t tell you how much I look forward to these dropping in each Friday.”

“Just a quick note to say that I really enjoy your newsletter. I always learn something.”

“Enjoying your newsletters a lot at the moment, Lucy!”

“I love it and read it all every week.”

Thank you, lovely readers.

Who am I?

I’m a social entrepreneur, campaigner, and activist.

I’ve been working to right social justice wrongs for nearly thirty years, leading change programmes in charities, fighting political campaigns, and inspiring people to get stuff done. I work with a wide range of organisations: charities, politicians, grant funders, infrastructure bodies.

I’d love to say hello, so please feel free to reply to the weekly newsletter, email me, or tweet me @LucyCaldicott.

I write about equality and social justice, and other bits and pieces.

Click the subscribe button now so you don’t miss an issue.

And, tell your friends!